
Taking the FZ1000 on weekend walks – Darent Valley, Eynsford; Royal Military Canal, Hythe

October 25, 2018 by David

Lovely mid-October weekend sunshine so I took the FZ1000 out for riverside walks. It’s very handy having a powerful all in one camera with great image quality. Saves on lugging a bag of gear and all that tedious lens swapping.

The Saturday walk was in the Darent Valley at Eynsford. I parked up in Lullingstone Country Park and went for a wander along the river, past the castle. The Sunday walk started at Hythe along the Royal Military Canal to its start point at Seabrook outside Sandgate, Folkestone. I finished off the evening driving (in the dark) across Romney Marsh for a moonlit shot of Camber Sands (at least that is where I think it was – it was pitch black!).

Both walks were lovely in the sunshine and the FZ1000 performed perfectly. These kinds of cameras should get more coverage and be taken more seriously. They really are all that many photographers, even quite serious ones, would need.

Some shots from the weekend are in a new gallery, here’s some samples:

Eynsford in the sun

Fishing in the Darent

Blue eyed gargoyle

Royal Military Canal

Romney Marsh windmills after dark

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