Series One: Scans of crops from 19 x 13 inch inkjet prints
What am I looking at here?
The following crops are tiny 400 x 400 pixel crops taken from 240ppi flatbed scans of original 19 x 13 inch inkjet prints. The crops represent an area from the print that is approximately 1.5 inches by 1.5 inches as viewed with the naked eye.
At typical screen resolutions, you will be viewing these 1.5 inch x 1.5 inch crops at a magnification of about x2 to x3. In other words, similar to examining a 19 x 13 inch print with a low power loupe.
The first image of each set is an overview of the entire print marked with the approximate location of the crop.
Left: Sigma Sd14, Right: Kodak 14nx
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